In the wake of societal expectations that place great emphasis on the ability of an organization to protect the environment to meet the needs and requirements of all interested parties, statutory and regulatory requirements, issues related to climate action change, carbon footprint and sustainable development, we, Century Chemical Works Sendirian Berhad, hereby assure that it is our responsibility to demonstrate steadfast leadership and commitment by:
- Taking full accountability for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and effectiveness of our Environmental Management System;
- Ensuring that our Environmental Objectives are duly established and well aligned with the strategic direction of our organization, and the intended targets are achieved through prudent planning, execution, periodical monitoring, reviewing and re-strategizing;
- Embarking on Guided Self-Regulation which was initiated by the Department of Environment Malaysia through adoption and implementation of Environmental Mainstreaming (EM) Tools;
- Ensuring that our Environmental Management System is well integrated into our business model and processes, thus making it our core values and work culture;
- Communicating the importance of conforming to our Environmental Management System to all interested parties;
- Promoting continual improvement to enhance our environmental Management System as well as environmental performance;
- Ensuring that all Environmental Aspects of our activities, products and services , and their associated impacts are duly determined by considering from a Life Cycle Perspective;
- Ensuring that due protection and control measures are taken to mitigate or minimize the adverse effects of environment;
- Ensuring that all facilities are operated in an environmentally responsible manner and in good compliance with regulations and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements; and
- Ensuring that efforts to conserve environment, energy and resources are initiated through implementation of 5R to optimize utilization of resources and thus minimization of wastes.
Berikutan jangkaan masyarakat yang makin memberi penekanan terhadap keupayaan sesebuah organisasi untuk melindungi alam sekitar demi memenuhi keperluan serta kehendak semua pihak yang berkepentingan, undang-undang dan peraturan, isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan tindakan perubahan iklim, jejak karbon dan pembangunan mampan, kami, Century Chemical Works Sendirian Berhad, dengan ini memberi jaminan bahawa adalah merupakan tanggungjawab kami untuk menunjukkan kepimpinan dan komitmen yang teguh dengan:
- Mengambil akauntabiliti penuh untuk penubuhan, pelaksanaan, penyelenggaraan dan keberkesanan Sistem Pengurusan Alam Sekitar kami;
- Memastikan objektif alam sekitar kami diwujudkan dengan sewajarnya dan sejajar dengan hala tuju strategik organisasi kami, dan sasaran kami dicapai melalui perancangan berhemat, pelaksanaan, pemantauan berkala, semakan dan penyusunan semula strategi;
- Mengamalkan Pematuhan Kendiri menerusi perlaksanaan Pengarusperdanaan Alam Sekitar atas panduan Jabatan Alam Sekitar Malaysia;
- Memastikan Sistem Pengurusan Alam Sekitar kami diintegrasikan ke dalam model perniagaan serta proses-proses, dan seterusnya menjadikannya nilai teras dan budaya kerja kami;
- Menyampaikan kepentingan mematuhi Sistem Pengurusan Alam Sekitar kami kepada semua pihak yang berkepentingan;
- Menggalakkan penambahbaikan berterusan Sistem Pengurusan Alam Sekitar kami untuk meningkatkan prestasi alam sekitar;
- Memastikan kesemua Aspek Alam Sekitar yang berpunca dari aktiviti-aktiviti, produk, perkhidmatan serta impak-impak yang berkaitan ditentukan dari perspektif Kitaran Hidup;
- Memastikan perlindungan serta langkah-langkah kawalan yang sewajarnya diambil untuk mengurangkan atau meminimakan kesan-kesan buruk terhadap alam sekitar;
- Memastikan kesemua kemudahan-kemudahan dioperasikan dalam suasana yang bertanggungjawab, mematuhi kepada permintaan-permintaan undang-undang serta peraturan-peraturan yang berkenaan; dan
- Memastikan usaha-usaha untuk memelihara alam sekitar, menjimatkan tenaga serta sumber-sumber dicapai menerusi pelaksanaan 5R untuk mengoptimumkan penggunaan sumber-sumber, dan seterusnya meminimumkan pembaziran.
Navigate towards Cleaner, Greener, Renewable and Sustainable Solar PV Energy
of the 1st Solar PV station by the Managing Director, Mr. Goh HS, and
the Executive Director, Mr. Khoo HS, of Century Chemical Works Sdn.
Bhd., on 26th Aug 2020 not only notched another milestone in the history
of the company, but also demonstrated the steadfast commitment of the
company in upholding its corporate responsibility in contributing
towards global sustainable development. The 100% self-funded Solar PV
project was initiated by the Top Management of the company in line with
the Solar NEM under 11th Malaysia Plan, but was sized down from 867.2
kWP DC to 572 kWP DC due to restrictions set by the authority. Upon
commissioning, the Solar PV system is able to produce a total of 812,540
kWh per annum, and this will bring a total utility savings of circa MYR
307,989 per year or an estimated reduction of 544 tons of CO2-e
emission per year which is equivalent to having 16,243 trees cleansing
the air per year.